Topnotch Foundation follows several research Methodology for data collection which includes-

Research Methodology

  • Step 1:- Program Planning
  • Step 2:- Survey Development
  • Step 3:- Data Analysis
  • Step 4:- Reporting
  • Step 5:- Constitution & Review
  • Corporate image and equity studies

Secondary (Desk Research)

Topnotch Foundation has its own professional market research team which perform different market research projects for primary as well as secondary research. We also take the help of web and other resources.


  • Central Location Tests (CLT)
  • Focus Group Discussions (FGD)
  • In-depth Interviews (IDI)
  • Ethnography
  • PRA studies


  • Face to Face Interviewing
  • CATI (Computer added telephonic interviewing)
  • CAWI (Computer added web interviewing)

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